Monday, September 21, 2015

Estimation 180

In my math classes I am trying to build Number Sense by focusing on using Number Talks and Estimation 180.  I am just getting started with Number Talks, but we have done Estimation 180 quite a few times in class already.  Right now I have started from Day 1 on Estimation 180 and have worked our way through the days, so the students can use their prior knowledge to make their estimates.  In the future, I will probably try to be more strategic about the days that I pick.  However, I kind of like the fact that it doesn't necessarily go exactly with the lesson each day.  I feel like it gives us a chance to review or discuss other concepts in math that we may not be focusing on that day.  

For each day, we discuss estimates that are "Too High" and "Two Low," then we talk about their actual estimates and how they got to the estimates.  When we first started estimating, we had a discussion about "taking risks" with their responses.  I am happy to say my students really have been doing this, since initially I thought my students may not take risks with their estimates.

  I really enjoy having these low pressure conversations with my students.  It really lets me understand the way they think in math, and they really like doing it.  I have already noticed them trying to use other strategies another student may have used the day before.  I love that they are all sharing and trying new things.  This site has really brought a new dimension to my classroom!

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